1. What is an Eligibility coaching plan and why you need one
Canada is a vast, stunning and prosperous country which foundation and History has been based on immigration. Safe and secure, Canada offers fair and equal opportunities to each and every member of its population. As a result, each year Canada grants close to 1 Million temporary resident visas, receives about 250 000 permanent residents and bestow citizenship to almost 200 000 people. These figures represent only a small portion of all the applicants who submit an application: for each successful candidate, many see their dream being crushed following a refusal, forcing them to either postpone or simply abandon their project of coming to Canada.
The eligibility coaching plan is intended for clients who are not confident in their chances of being granted a specific visa or status, or who already have been refused one by the Government of Canada.
An eligibility coaching plan is basically a personalised and comprehensive critical path roadmap aiming at identifying the quickest and easiest legal way to obtain one’s desired visa/status. Upon completion of our assessment form which will help us identify the most suitable category of services*, our clients will receive live coaching sessions along with a custom-made eligibility coaching report stating clear objectives and milestones, so they can improve some weaker aspects of their case and soon become themselves successful applicants. The eligibility coaching plan is tailored by an experienced VisaPro.ca analyst whose responsibility is to:
By choosing VisaPro.ca to tailor for you a comprehensive eligibility coaching plan, you:
Everybody has a dream; why should you jeopardize yours? Choose VisaPro.ca to tailor an eligibility coaching plan for your own unique situation and save time and money NOW by jumping to the next step!
Regardless if you are looking to obtain a work permit, a labour market opinion (LMO), a permanent resident visa, a certificat de sélection du Québec (CSQ – Quebec selection certificate) or your Canadian citizenship, all our eligibility coaching plans include tangible rock solid results among which:
Opting for our eligibility coaching plan will definitely maximize your chances of obtaining the status/document required within reasonable delays. That being said, there are several elements that are not part of an eligibility coaching plan, among which:
Some of the aforementioned elements might however be included in another VisaPro.ca solution package. If you think an Eligibility coaching plan is not exactly what you need, please make a step backward and select the appropriate solution package for your needs, so you can then make two steps forward and proceed further.
We, at VisaPro.ca, can guarantee only what we have total control on: our specialised, personalised, affordable and honest service. We guarantee the professional quality work we do and the careful and accurate approach we give to every prospective client. We guarantee that no case is ever given further treatment unless we, ourselves, are fully convinced of its imminent success.
Nevertheless, VisaPro.ca cannot be held responsible for providing false or erroneous information to the immigration and citizenship authorities if this specific false or erroneous information has been initially provided to us by the client. VisaPro.ca relies entirely on the good faith of its clients and will not verify nor validate the information provided by them. For more information about misrepresentation, please refer yourself to the admissibility criteria pertaining to the category of services suitable to your case.
Furthermore, VisaPro.ca cannot be held responsible for refusals if, at the end of the process, the applicant does not receive the desired temporary resident status, permanent resident status or Canadian citizenship. The decision to grant visas or citizenship belongs solely to the Government of Canada after a thorough examination of each case; VisaPro.ca cannot and does not promise you that you and/or your family dependents will receive a visa or Canadian citizenship at the end of the application process. A service contract that outlines both our and your responsibilities and commitments will have to be acknowledged and signed shortly after retaining our services.
Congratulations for making the right decision to protect your dream with a VisaPro.ca eligibility coaching plan. Now that you’ve chosen the appropriate solution package§ for your needs, your next step is to access our Price list and locate in the table the flat fee applicable to your case. Then, if you agree with our fee, please follow the simple instructions described in the “I am convinced... now, what are the next steps?” section located at the bottom of that same Web page. At any time of the process, please feel free to Contact us for any question you may have.
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* For each category of applicant corresponds a specific type of official document. VisaPro.ca offers a wide range of professional services corresponding to each of these categories. All existing categories of visa/immigration and citizenship services fall under one of these 5 programs: Temporary resident visas, Temporary resident services, Permanent resident visas, Permanent resident services and Canadian citizenship.
✝ Up to 2 hours of eligibility coaching session either in person or through online consultation are included with any eligibility coaching plan designed for a permanent resident visa, permanent resident service or Canadian citizenship; up to 1 hour of eligibility coaching session either in person or through online consultation is included with any eligibility coaching plan designed for a temporary resident visa or temporary resident service.
‡ VisaPro.ca offers consultation services and guidance about the whole application process including tips for potential interviews, replies to questions regarding upcoming steps, etc. solely throughout the whole pre-submission process; once a client’s file is officially submitted to the immigration and citizenship authorities for processing, we cannot and will not provide professional services or represent the client’s interest in regard with his file.
§ VisaPro.ca personalised approach gives you the choice between 4 different flat fee Solution packages: Technical file review, Eligibility coaching plan, Step-by-step file build-up and Complete file build-up.
Last update: 2011-03-14
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