1. Our solutions for individuals and families
Once you’ve chosen the Category of services* under which you wish to apply✝, your next step is to select one of our solution packages specifically designed for individuals and families. VisaPro.ca personalised approach gives you the choice between 4 different flat fee solution packages; depending on what combination of professional service and solution package you need, the flat fee will vary accordingly. At any time, you can access our Price list and Payment instructions, but before having a look at this section of our Web site, please learn more about the different solution packages offered to you and select the one that best suits your needs by clicking on it:
The technical file review is intended for clients who are confident in their own abilities and who have already completed their application forms and gathered all required supporting documentation without specialised assistance, but want a professional review of their file before final submission. Everybody has a dream; why should you jeopardize yours? Choose VisaPro.ca to conduct a technical review of your file and save time and money now!
The eligibility coaching plan is intended for clients who are not confident in their chances of being granted a specific visa or status, or who already have been refused one by the Government of Canada. Upon completion of our assessment form, these clients will receive live coaching sessions along with a custom-made eligibility coaching report stating clear objectives and milestones, so they can improve some weaker aspects of their case and soon become themselves successful applicants.
The step-by-step file build-up is intended for clients looking for total flexibility. First, the initial assessment form will help us determine the client eligibility and under which category he should apply. Second, once the eligibility status is established and the suitable category identified, it is entirely up to the client to decide if he wishes to contract VisaPro.ca for the file preparation or if he rather prefers to build-up his file by himself. With the step-by-step file build-up, the client is in total control at each step of the application process.
The complete file build-up is our one-stop shop elite solution package; it is intended for clients who are looking for a stress-free, all-inclusive turnkey solution. The complete file build-up ends up cheaper than any combination of other solution packages taken individually since it includes the initial eligibility assessment (based on the answers provided in our free assessment form), eligibility coaching plan and sessions if applicable or the preparation of all relevant application forms and the review of all the supporting documentation, and full guidance through the whole pre-submission process. We minimize the occurrence of errors by completing the forms for you, and we maximize your chances of qualifying under the category identified for your case. In a word, with the complete file build-up, VisaPro.ca takes care of its elite clients from A to Z.
In case you do not know at this time under which category of services you should apply, our free‡ assessment form will help us identify it for you. Select either our Complete file build-up or our Step-by-step file build-up to learn more about your options.
All our solution packages have been designed in strict accordance with our legal forms and policies. For more details, please do not hesitate to consult the aforementioned section and all relevant documentation specified therein.
2. Our solutions for small and medium businesses
In case you are representing a small or medium business, VisaPro.ca can design and offer custom-made solution packages for your own needs in regards to international mobility. For more details, please access our Small and medium businesses Web page. At any time of the process, please feel free to Contact us for any question you may have.
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*For each category of applicant corresponds a specific type of official document. VisaPro.ca offers a wide range of professional services corresponding to each of these categories. All existing categories of visa/immigration and citizenship services fall under one of these 5 programs: Temporary resident visas, Temporary resident services, Permanent resident visas, Permanent resident services and Canadian citizenship.
✝ In case you do not know at this time under which category you should apply, our assessment form will help us identify it for you. Please note that the technical file review is not a solution package suitable for applicants who do not know under which category to apply.
‡ Included free of charge with our Complete file build-up solution package; certain conditions apply
Last update: 2011-03-04
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